User Experience (UX) Insights

Discover how users interact with your site.
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Insights On Website UX

Ever wonder how exactly users engage and interact with various sections of your site? Their clicks, scrolls, and elements they interact with? With User Experience (UX), we can piece these bits of information together to provide an actionable, comprehensive report that your team can employ to make better client conversions.

Our Intelligent User Experience algorithm actively looks for patterns in your website visitors’ use. We track their cursor movement to get a perception of primary points of interest on your site. They scroll, tap, and what pages they click into also provides a good insight into the effectiveness of your buttons and CTAs.

With the internet more accessible than ever to everyone, everywhere, it’s essential to keep tabs on an ever-increasing mobile audience. Mobile responsiveness, hence, is a crucial consideration for your website development. We keep track of taps, swipes, zooms, and scrolls, enabling us to determine their points of interest and level of engagement.

Notwithstanding the device size, our Algorithm creates heatmaps to indicate the areas your visitors interact with the most.
Long Beach Web Agency - On Screen Analytics

On-Screen Analytics

Our Analytics team keep a track all of your clients’, click-through, page visits, and the overall interaction of your website. We then, record your results and compile them in easy-to-understand reports. These can be re-evaluated at any time to get a proper insight into your visitor engagement.


This intelligent software allows you to see where your users click and accentuate these specific areas by order of most interactions, giving you visual cues about which sections are most engaging.
Long Beach Web Agency - Heatmaps

Did You Know?​

If you prioritize your blog as part of your digital marketing strategy, you’ll increase your search engine visibility by more than 400%
Long Beach Web Agency - Customer Feedback

Customer Feedback

Hear directly from your customers and create intuitive surveys to get immediate feedback from visitors to your site. You can call to know their preferences and possible suggestions with regards to your overall site experience.

Analytical Forms

Uncover what is stopping conversions! Emails and other contact information are precious digital assets that enable you to convert random site visitors to paying clients. It is crucial to create customized forms to capture user data as, with form analytics, your clients can send inquiries and get cleared of their doubts.
Long Beach Web Agency - Analytical Forms

Supporting Your Business With UX

To compete in today’s market, a robust website that supports your business online is an excellent place to start. However, it takes a lot more to achieve genuinely.

Fortunately, we’re not just designers and developers here—we’re also authors, specialists, and creatives, all working toward the same end goal: our customers’ success. As a full-service digital marketing firm, we can build a website tailored to your needs and then advertise it to help your business grow and succeed.
Long Beach Web Agency - User Journey

User Journey

User’s journey across the website is supported by the site’s interface, creating memorable digital interactions

Long Beach Web Agency - User Stories

User Stories

We always start with a conversation on how we can create UX to support your business, unique brand identity.

Long Beach Web Agency - Design Systems

Design Systems

We provide user experience and web design services, specializing in the implementation of custom-coded solutions for our clients.

Long Beach Web Agency - Interaction Design

Interaction Design

We help our users engage and experience products. Products that provide encompassing experiences to our clients.

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FAQs About User Experience Design

Building a website is an exhilarating task that demands unique personalities and vision. That’s why we start with you, the person who knows their business best and has had an idea for it since the beginning.

Our planning and development team becomes your team as we work together to create a website that energizes growth and strengthens your online presence.
This design encompasses the complete process of product acquisition and integration, including branching design and usability functions. This product is designed not just for consumption or the user’s thinking but also for the complete process of acquiring and owning things to meet all needs.
The majority of websites with high SERP rankings have excellent UX design. Google has updated its metrics over time, and for your site to rank well, it must be user-friendly and responsive and meet other criteria such as site speed. Having a solid UX design can increase sales and revenue while also winning users’ trust.
The design process is a project management guide used to oversee the execution of large projects, which involves breaking it into smaller bits and evaluating the progress at each stage. They include;
  • Identifying the pain point
  • planning to solve it
  • studying and comparing to similar products
  • create a prototype and test
  • run analysis and improve
Unlike design, the cost of a UX design can be a bit abstract. For UX, most estimates are mainly formed from educated guesses from years of experience; various factors determine the price tag of UX design. The amount of testing requires the expertise of the designer, complexity, or functionality.
Some of the most commonly used UX design tools may include sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, Balsamiq, InVision Studio, and more, as they are highly recommended for prototyping and wireframing. These tools are essential when the interface needs to be designed from scratch or link pages together in a clickable prototype.?

How Engaging Does Your Website Look?

Find Out What Needs Fixing

Is your site falling short of expectations? Have you heard your clients say your website left them puzzled, was difficult to interact with, or wasn’t engaging enough? Backed by our years of experience with User Experience campaigns, you can adapt our strategy to improve your overall website engagement and performance.

Understanding User Experience metrics can be complex. And that’s why our expert team will guide you through each step of the way — Highlighting significant issues and minor bugs and setting up a guide of answers for you to consider.

You wouldn’t embark on a home redesign or business rebuild without a plan. And neither should you try to change your website without a proper layout in mind. We identify and correct issues affecting performance and usability. And ensure an outstanding User Experience for your site visitors.

Keeping Track of Success

By comparing metrics such as click-through rates, time of visit, pages per visit, bounce rate, we can measure the effect of such variables individually and collectively. Utilizing instruments like Google Analytics and My Business tools, our website streamlining specialists can also suggest critical improvements across the board, with solid metrics to back it up. All of this will be condensed into a report that’s easy to understand. It presents you with a crystal clear picture of every aspect of your visitor behavior and how you can leverage it.

Get insights into your visitors’ engagement with our User Experience process today.
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